Social Engagement
Social Engagement

Total Occupational Safety and Health Advancement

        Corum has already introduced ISO 45001: 2018 occupational safety and health system and obtained certification from a third-party accreditation organization. Furthermore, potential hazards are explored through the business, management, and operational aspects of risk management. At the same time, we encourage each employee to vigorously participate in education and training, emergency drills, and numerous health lectures to bolster their occupational safety awareness, in turn achieving zero occupational disasters, employee health promotion, zero pandemic confirmed cases, enhanced awareness among workers, as well as realizing the Company's goals and outlook.

        Corum established the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which consists of 19 people including 11 members nominated by the factory: Chairman, Vice Chairperson, executives from various units, safety and health personnel, environmental protection specialist, and fire protection management personnel. The union will nominate eight people, accounting for more than 1/3 of the committee to comply with the law. The OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) convenes quarterly meetings focusing on labor safety and health matters, where proposals are discussed and the majority vote system is implemented to formulate target plans. Meeting minutes are also prepared. Resolutions passed in the meeting are monitored by the executive secretary, and a performance report will be presented in the next meeting in the hope of minimizing the employees' hazards and risks. Besides establishing the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee), weekly factory meetings and annual internal audits and review meetings are conducted for regular review purposes.


Occupational safety and health advancement and practice

Corum’s Chiayi factory accident reporting procedure

        Corum has formulated relevant occupational safety and health contingency measures and management operations, as well as conducted the necessary training. Enabling relevant personnel to become familiar with the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can respond and handle different stages of a disaster effectively to minimize loss. If an accident occurs, findings of the preliminary accident investigation and handling process should be submitted according to the accident investigation and handling management regulations.

1. Internal and external accidents (including transportation)

reporting process

The witness should notify the relevant department or unit executive immediately after an accident has taken place, provided that the individual can do so in a safe environment. If the executives cannot be reached, call the factory manager right away.

For traffic accidents, one should first report it to the police before following the above procedure to notify the department or unit executives.

If superiors cannot be reached in time, notify the department or unit executives via text message. Call the factory manager on the phone if necessary.

If an accident takes place on a holiday, the subsequent document process should be completed on weekdays.

2. Grievance Channels for Illegal Practices at the Workplace

The Company's consultation and grievance channels for workplace abuse are as follows:

1. Grievance hotline and dedicated email

2. The grievance mailbox is installed in the security office

3. The grievance mailbox of the Chiayi factory is installed in the suggestion box in the employee locker room


Total Occupational Safety and Health Advancement

The accomplishments of the Company’s occupational safety and health policy in 2021 are outlined below:

        Through workplace hazard identification, evaluation, and control, Corum strives to minimize hazards in the work environment for the workers. Meanwhile, occupational injury case studies are prepared to educate our colleagues and elevate their safety and prevention awareness in an effort to achieve the safety management goal of "zero disasters", "zero violation", and "zero infection". No production process safety and transportation-related accidents occurred in 2021.

Statistics on annual occupational disasters and occupational safety and health management accomplishments between 2019-2021

Note 1: Calculation: Disabling frequency rate (FR)=(Number of people with disabling injuries/total work hours)x106; disabling severity rate (SR)=(Total days lost due to disabling injuries/total work hours)x106; occupational disease rate (ODR)=(Total number of people with occupational diseases/total work hours)x200,000. 
Note 2: Traffic accidents refer to collisions and falls, hence motorcycle/car defensive driving promotion al materials are sent to the injured. These are identified in the risk assessment form to educate employees on regular maintenance.


Foster a Friendly and Healthy Workplace

        With changes in society and the economy, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) advocate that workplace safety and health services are workers' basic rights. Corum also supports the intentions of ILO and WHO, complying with laws and regulations to vigorously promote and implement health-related activities that encompass three major dimensions: health services, health education, and a healthy work environment.

        The Company hires occupational health nurses to provide on-site services on a weekly basis.  The services include disease prevention and treatment promotion, health care promotion, health lectures, preventive health care consultation, and employee health examination. To safeguard the health of our employees, we emphasize services such as health risk assessment, health management, health promotion, and workplace hazard assessment. Through the promotion of health education and concepts, we hope to prevent our employees' health problems from affecting their work. At the same time, the aim is to implement worker health place in the workplace. Additionally, we host at least one semiannual health-promotion course including yoga, balanced diet, tobacco, alcohol, betel nut and drug prevention, infectious disease prevention, and AIDS education. The courses are expanded outside the factory to encourage our employees to partake in the Run Chiayi Half Marathon and other activities.

     We understand that a zero-hazard and healthy work environment relies on the implementation of a safety culture for all our employees in everyday life. To elevate the Company's overall image and foster a safe production environment, Corum has implemented the 6S principle (sort, set in order, standardize, shine, sustain, and safety) in 2019 to progressively improve the workplace. By changing the personnel's awareness, production becomes more refined and safer, and unnecessary waste is prevented. We also expect to provide our colleagues with a pleasant, safe, work environment through quality improvement. To encourage our employees to continue their participation and practice, we have devised the following incentive mechanisms:


  • The quarterly winner will be commended in the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) meeting and awarded a cash prize of NT$3,000 or a gift voucher.
  •  The annual winner will be commended in the year-end banquet and awarded a cash prize of NT$10,000 or a gift voucher.



      For many years, Corum has been dedicated to creating a safe workplace and protecting the health of our employees. In 2021, we received the Outstanding Occupational Safety and Health Unit Five-Star Award from the Ministry of Labor. Receiving the award three years in a row is a testament to Corum's achievements in promoting a friendly workplace, health promotion, and implementing occupational safety over the last three years.


Total Occupational Safety and Health Advancement

        Corum has already introduced ISO 45001: 2018 occupational safety and health system and obtained certification from a third-party accreditation organization. Furthermore, potential hazards are explored through the business, management, and operational aspects of risk management. At the same time, we encourage each employee to vigorously participate in education and training, emergency drills, and numerous health lectures to bolster their occupational safety awareness, in turn achieving zero occupational disasters, employee health promotion, zero pandemic confirmed cases, enhanced awareness among workers, as well as realizing the Company's goals and outlook.

        Corum established the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which consists of 19 people including 11 members nominated by the factory: Chairman, Vice Chairperson, executives from various units, safety and health personnel, environmental protection specialist, and fire protection management personnel. The union will nominate eight people, accounting for more than 1/3 of the committee to comply with the law. The OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) convenes quarterly meetings focusing on labor safety and health matters, where proposals are discussed and the majority vote system is implemented to formulate target plans. Meeting minutes are also prepared. Resolutions passed in the meeting are monitored by the executive secretary, and a performance report will be presented in the next meeting in the hope of minimizing the employees' hazards and risks. Besides establishing the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee), weekly factory meetings and annual internal audits and review meetings are conducted for regular review purposes.


Occupational safety and health advancement and practice

        Corum has formulated relevant occupational safety and health contingency measures and management operations, as well as conducted the necessary training. Enabling relevant personnel to become familiar with the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can respond and handle different stages of a disaster effectively to minimize loss. If an accident occurs, findings of the preliminary accident investigation and handling process should be submitted according to the accident investigation and handling management regulations.

Corum’s Chiayi factory accident reporting procedure

1. Internal and external accidents (including transportation)

reporting process

The witness should notify the relevant department or unit executive immediately after an accident has taken place, provided that the individual can do so in a safe environment. If the executives cannot be reached, call the factory manager right away.

For traffic accidents, one should first report it to the police before following the above procedure to notify the department or unit executives.

If superiors cannot be reached in time, notify the department or unit executives via text message. Call the factory manager on the phone if necessary.

If an accident takes place on a holiday, the subsequent document process should be completed on weekdays.

2. Grievance Channels for Illegal Practices at the Workplace

The Company's consultation and grievance channels for workplace abuse are as follows:

1. Grievance hotline and dedicated email

2. The grievance mailbox is installed in the security office

3. The grievance mailbox of the Chiayi factory is installed in the suggestion box in the employee locker room


Total Occupational Safety and Health Advancement

The accomplishments of the Company’s occupational safety and health policy in 2021 are outlined below:

        Through workplace hazard identification, evaluation, and control, Corum strives to minimize hazards in the work environment for the workers. Meanwhile, occupational injury case studies are prepared to educate our colleagues and elevate their safety and prevention awareness in an effort to achieve the safety management goal of "zero disasters", "zero violation", and "zero infection". No production process safety and transportation-related accidents occurred in 2021.

Statistics on annual occupational disasters and occupational safety and health management accomplishments between 2019-2021

Note 1: Calculation: Disabling frequency rate (FR)=(Number of people with disabling injuries/total work hours)x106; disabling severity rate (SR)=(Total days lost due to disabling injuries/total work hours)x106; occupational disease rate (ODR)=(Total number of people with occupational diseases/total work hours)x200,000. 
Note 2: Traffic accidents refer to collisions and falls, hence motorcycle/car defensive driving promotion al materials are sent to the injured. These are identified in the risk assessment form to educate employees on regular maintenance.


Foster a Friendly and Healthy Workplace

        With changes in society and the economy, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) advocate that workplace safety and health services are workers' basic rights. Corum also supports the intentions of ILO and WHO, complying with laws and regulations to vigorously promote and implement health-related activities that encompass three major dimensions: health services, health education, and a healthy work environment.

        The Company hires occupational health nurses to provide on-site services on a weekly basis.  The services include disease prevention and treatment promotion, health care promotion, health lectures, preventive health care consultation, and employee health examination. To safeguard the health of our employees, we emphasize services such as health risk assessment, health management, health promotion, and workplace hazard assessment. Through the promotion of health education and concepts, we hope to prevent our employees' health problems from affecting their work. At the same time, the aim is to implement worker health place in the workplace. Additionally, we host at least one semiannual health-promotion course including yoga, balanced diet, tobacco, alcohol, betel nut and drug prevention, infectious disease prevention, and AIDS education. The courses are expanded outside the factory to encourage our employees to partake in the Run Chiayi Half Marathon and other activities.

     We understand that a zero-hazard and healthy work environment relies on the implementation of a safety culture for all our employees in everyday life. To elevate the Company's overall image and foster a safe production environment, Corum has implemented the 6S principle (sort, set in order, standardize, shine, sustain, and safety) in 2019 to progressively improve the workplace. By changing the personnel's awareness, production becomes more refined and safer, and unnecessary waste is prevented. We also expect to provide our colleagues with a pleasant, safe, work environment through quality improvement. To encourage our employees to continue their participation and practice, we have devised the following incentive mechanisms:


  • The quarterly winner will be commended in the OHSC (Occupational Health and Safety Committee) meeting and awarded a cash prize of NT$3,000 or a gift voucher.
  •  The annual winner will be commended in the year-end banquet and awarded a cash prize of NT$10,000 or a gift voucher.



      For many years, Corum has been dedicated to creating a safe workplace and protecting the health of our employees. In 2021, we received the Outstanding Occupational Safety and Health Unit Five-Star Award from the Ministry of Labor. Receiving the award three years in a row is a testament to Corum's achievements in promoting a friendly workplace, health promotion, and implementing occupational safety over the last three years.

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